Books vs Electronic Devices: The Case of Books

Which is better? Which do you prefer? Let’s list the pros and cons of books! In no particular order of course.


BOOK Pros:

1. The Smell!


old book smell
2. The excitement you get after you read the back of the cover, the inside of the cover, and a random page and still wanting to buy the book
3. Soft covers are cheaper than hard covers
4. People will stop and ask you about the book if they’ve read it before

book reccomends person
5. The realization of progress being made once you move the book mark.
6. No Special cords/ chargers needed
7. Get to add something new to your ever expanding book case

8. The joy of going to the book store just to find a new read
9. Visiting the Librarylibrary in paris
10. Knowing you’re supporting an author, an artist (for the book cover), a publicist, the company selling the book, and the place you bought the book from


BOOK Cons:
2. Books can get heavy, quickly i like big books
3. Can’t read in the dark
4. If any damage happens to the book, you feel like you lost a friend
5. The possibility of accidentally losing the spot, or the book mark falling out
6. Hands get tired after a while
7. Takes away spaceno room for books
8. Forever lost if “borrowed” to a “friend”
9. Spending gas or delivery fee to purchase the book
10. Constantly readjusting to find the perfect reading position

uncomfy reading positions


Did the pros outweigh the cons? Did cons triumph over the pros?

Let me know what you think.


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